How to Submit a Question
Thank you all so much for your great response to this column, and making the launch of this little project so much fun! I’m excited for where its going, and thankful that you are along for the ride.
With that said— I’m opening my mail box and taking your questions! So if you would like to have a question answered on Ask the HourMaker, email your questions to, and use the subject line “ask the hourmarker.”
Some things to keep in mind:
Don’t be afraid to ask a weird question! While some horary practitioners only take verifiable (usually yes or no) questions, I respectfully disagree with that approach. The tools of horary can be applied— within reason— to all different kinds of questions, some more concrete than others. It can be more helpful to illuminate a difficult situation than to predict what’s going to happen, and horary has tools for dream interpretation, for finding hidden thoughts and motivations, for all kinds of things beyond just “will x happen?” Let’s push boundaries here!
On the other hand, specific questions will get specific answers. If you want an actionable, precise answer, its helpful to boil your question down to its most direct, practical form.
Try to ask questions that are meaningful to you, and be as honest as you can.
Try to include some background information to the question. While I can geta lot of that through the chart, it makes a better column to hear what’s going on in your own words!
These will be shared publicly, so please use your discretion about what to include, and don’t use anyone’s real name.
Thank you all so much! I look forward to reading your questions.
-Amor fati
Rowan Aubrey Sloane